

A NodeJS/typescript library similar to scrool/XLED to control Twinkly LED lights.

A fork of the excellent work done by Alexander Beavil https://github.com/aeroniemi

This version includes partial refactoring for easier maintenance, a few new functions, API calls, and a new discovery service. This is technically a breaking change as all methods, interfaces, enums and variables that previously included the UK spelling of "colour" have been replaced with the US spelling "color". This is a preference and obviously not necessary, but I'm from the US and I like it that way.

API Docs

The api documentation can be found at https://foomoon.github.io/xled-js/

The docs can also be generated by running:

npm run docs


Via npm

npm i xled-js

From source

  • git clone https://github.com/foomoon/xled-js.git
  • cd ./xled-js/
  • npm install
  • npm run build



Make sure to set the IP address to your twinkly device. You may use the discovery service to find a device on your network.

import { Light, rgbColor } from "xled-js";

async function run() {
// instantiate the device
device = new Light("");
// get the device name
console.log(`This device is called ${await device.getName()}`);

// set device to red, full brightness
await device.setBrightness(100);

let red: rgbColor = {
red: 255,
green: 0,
blue: 0,
await device.setMode("color");
await device.setRGBColor(red);

Discovery Service

Note: this service does not work in browsers and must be run on a node.js server

import { discoverTwinklyDevices } from "xled-js";

const customTimeout = 3000;

console.log(`Starting discovery (${customTimeout / 1000} second timeout)...`);

async function customDiscovery() {
try {
const discoveredDevices = await discoverTwinklyDevices(customTimeout);
console.log(`Found ${discoveredDevices.size} device(s)`);
discoveredDevices.forEach((device) => {
` ${device.deviceId} @ ${device.ip} - Status: ${device.code}`
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);


Upload Movie and Play

Create a simple animation, upload to device and begin playing. Note that large animations may take 10-30 seconds to upload and thus the optional timeout argument may need to be specified to prevent premature timeout. The default is 20000 ms.

import { Light, Frame, Movie, Led } from "xled-js";

async function run() {

const deviceIp = "";
const timeout = 30000; // ms

// instantiate the device
const device = new Light(deviceIp, timeout);

let movie = makeMovie();

// must login before sending commands
console.log("Logging in...");
await device.login();
// turn off lights
console.log("Set device to off mode");
await device.setMode("off");
// get list of movies
let listOfMovies = await device.getListOfMovies();
// add movie to device (better way to do this)
await device.addMovie(movie);
// set device to movie mode
console.log("Set device to movie mode");
await device.setMode("movie");


Helper function to test Movie

function makeMovie() {
const nLeds = 600;
const nFrames = 600;
let tailLength = 15;
let black = new Led(0, 0, 0);

let frames = [];

for (let i = 0; i < nFrames; i++) {
// Faster way to make a frame of LEDs of single color
let leds = Array(nLeds).fill(black);

for (let j = 0; j < tailLength; j++) {
let fade = (tailLength - j) / tailLength;
let desaturation = (0.1 * j) / (tailLength - 1);
let sparkle = Math.min(0, Math.random() - 0.3);
if (j === 0) {
sparkle = 1;
if (i - j !== undefined) {
let r = 0;
let g = 0;
let b = 255;
leds[i - j] = new Led(r, g, b)
.brighten(i ** 1 / nFrames ** 1);
let frame = new Frame(leds);

let movie = new Movie({ frames: frames, fps: 30 });

return movie;

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